Saturday, 20 August 2011

Bio 1 :Mitosis and Meiosis

1.The cell undergoes division by mitosis  and meiosis .

2. Mistosis is a process to produce more cell to make our body grow, heal the wound and replace dead cells.
*Mistosis~ is cell division to produce two daughter cells that is genetically identically to each other and identical to the parent cell.

3.The meiosis cell division is important in the production of haploid gamate cells for reproduction.
* Meiosis ~ A cell division to produce haploid gamate cells for reproduction.

4.The important of mitosis:
   *To produce alot of identical cells for growth.
   * To repair or replace dead cells .
   *For uncellular organisms, mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction to increase the number of    organisms.

5.The important of meiosis:
   *To produce haploid gamate, to ensure that during sexual reproduction the haploid gamate fuse together to form offspring and restore diploid condition in each generation.
  * To produce genetic variation among offspring; the crossing over of chromatics from parents resulting in a large number of combination and large genetics varieties of gamates produced.

6. Cell cycle :

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