Friday, 5 August 2011


Mother bird carried a straw of grass in her break. She was building a nest on the branch of tree.

Soon the nest was ready. She laid her eggs in the nest. Then she sat on the eggs in the nest. Then she sat on the eggs to hatch them.

After some time, three little birds hatched from the eggs.They chirped noisily for food. Mother bird flew out to look for food.

She returned with a worm in her beak. She fed the worm to one of the chicks.Then she went out hunting for more food to feed the other chicks.

So for a period of a few weeks she diligently fed her chicks with whatever food she could find. The chicks grew The once almost featherless little chicks grew larger and larger. Soon they were too large for the nest and had to sit outside while they wait for their mother to return with food.

Finally when the three little birds were large enough, they flew away from the nest to live their own lives.

The nest is now empty.

straw of grass:秸秆

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