Friday 5 August 2011


Early one morning Mrs. tan was hanging out the clean laundry to dry.

Dark clouds began to gather followed by thunder and lighting. It seemed certain that it was going to rain.

So Mrs. Tan quickly gathered the laundry and hurried back into the house, She felt that was definitely going to be a storm.

She was wrong. The storm clouds passed overhead. The thunder and lighting disappeared. Instead of rain, the sun casme out shining brightly.

Seeing that it was going to rain after all, Mrs. Tan once again took out the clean laundry to hang on the clothesline. Soon she finished her job. Fine weather, she thought.

She was wrong again.

As she was returning to her house, the waetger suddenly worsened. From out of nowhere, clouds quickly appeared and rain fell. The rain came so fast that she had no time to gather the laundry. All she could do was to stand and wonder flow fickle the weather was.

It looked as though the clothes would not get dry that day.

fickle weather:善变的天气


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