Thursday, 4 August 2011


Abu walks to the school every morning.

On the particular morning as he was on the way to school, he suddenly sawAh Tee Tailor shop on fire.

As it was still early he could see no one else around. There seemed to be on one inside the burning shop either.

Quickly Abu ran to a telephone booth nearby and dialled 999 for the fire brigade. He briefly told them the location of the burning shop.

Soon a fire-engine arrived with its siren wailing. It stopped in front of the shop and the fireman quickly went about their task of putting out the fire. They battled for about an hour before the fire extinguished.

The fire had burnt part of the shop's first floor and it was left black and charred. At least the shop was saved by the quick action of the fireman.

After seeing that there was no more danger the fireman left.

Ah Lee, the owner of the tailor shop was glad that Abu had seen and informed the fire brigade. Otherwise he could have lost his shop. He shooked Abu's hand and expressed his thanks.



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