Thursday, 4 August 2011


There was only one fruit on the mango tree.

 Mat saw it and decided that he wanted it. He tried to reach for the mango with his hands but just was not tall enough. Jumping or standing on tip-toe did not help either.

So Mat left and returned with an axe. He had decided to chop the tree down to get at the fruit! What a fool he was.

As he was about to make the first cut on the tree, his brother Din arrived at the scene. Din was horrified by what he saw and shouted at Mat to stop.

It was fortunate that Mat had not done any damage to the tree. Din explained top him that chopping down a tree to get at a fruit is a stupid act. A tree that was chopped down would never bear fruits again. There are other more intelligent ways to get the fruit the without destroying tree.

Din suggested that a ladder would allow Mat to get the fruit easily. This Mat did and he finally was able to get the mango he wanted without having to destroy the tree.

chopped down:砍伐


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